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Unlocking the Throat Chakra: A Journey to Self-Expression

By Jackie Jackson 

July 22, 2024

My First Yogic Opening of the Throat Chakra during a yoga teacher training session. While in Camel pose, I experienced my first Throat (Energy Center) Chakra opening. As another trainee guided me deeper into the pose, I suddenly felt dizzy and nauseous. I quickly came out of the pose, unsure of what had happened. If you experience similar sensations, pause and take a break. Reflect on these moments to understand the messages your body might be sending.

Stuck in the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra, the voice of the heart, has required ongoing support in my life. I've often held tension in my neck and jaw, especially when stressed. I also struggled with a raspy voice, sore throat, and laryngitis, and eventually faced a thyroid issue. These physical symptoms were signs of unexpressed emotions from my past.

Healing the Throat Chakra.  As a child, I was highly sensitive and quiet, labeled as shy. In eighth grade, I adopted a "fake it until you make it" approach to overcome this. Over time, this led to genuine confidence and joy in expressing my true self. Despite this progress, I continued to work on my Throat Chakra, dealing with vocal nodules and later thyroid cancer. Through surgery, herbal tea, speech therapy, reiki, pranayama aka breathing exercises, meditation, sound healing, acupuncture, chiropractic, aromatherapy, color therapy, and regular therapy, I found healing. Writing about past issues and trauma, especially in my first book, was crucial. It took time, but I found remission. Each time I speak my truth, I gain momentum and a sense of strength and victory.

Speak Your Truth. Celebrate any progress you make in being true to yourself and speaking your truth. The yogic principle of Satya (Truth) has been transformative for me. It means clear communication and not letting things fester. By prioritizing my truth and needs, I can better care for others. Embrace this gift of self-care and continue striving to speak your truth with kindness.

Techniques for Throat Chakra Balancing:

  • Meditation and Visualization: Focus on a bright blue light at the throat, expanding with each breath.

  • Mantra Chanting: Use the mantra "HAM" with the keynote G to activate the chakra.

  • Mudras: Use the Throat Chakra mudra, with fingers interlaced and palms up.

  • Affirmations:

"I communicate truthfully, expressing my feelings and creativity with love.”

"My honesty attracts the grace and abundance I deserve."

"My voice is clear and powerful."

"I am honest and authentic in my speech and actions."

"I am happy and free to be me!"

6. Yoga Poses: to open the region and align of the body governed by your throat chakra try Camel Pose.

Daily Practices for Continued Balance:

  • Daily meditation, mantra chanting, and affirmations.

  • Engage in creative activities to keep the Throat Chakra balanced.

  • Reflect on the importance of clear communication and speaking your truth.

  •  Diaphragmatic Breathing: Inhale so your belly expands in as diaphragm pushes down to fill the bottom of your lungs. Exhale so your belly contracts as your diaphragm pushes up to empty the bottom of your lungs. 

Journal Prompt: How do you express yourself? Please like & leave a comment below.

I’d love to hear your experience.



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